Hello! Hello! This is my first blog ever! Actually, I'm really kinda lazy to do blogging and all, but why not give it a try! Right?hehe! Oh well, I will be posting more of my looks here and some activities that I will be doing in the future! Actually, I have posted some of my looks in lookbook.nu my account http://lookbook.nu/bellurz been a member there for a year now. HURRAY!!! So obviously, I love dressing up and do weird stuff sometimes!haha So now, I welcome myself to the world of BLOGGERS!!! ^___^
can you see the stockings???forgive me for that!!!haha |
yes my top and bottom...i know the colors aren't bright enough but it looks good actually. Very comfy to wear.... |
That's all for now...Hope you like my first blog! im a noob here so my apologies!!!hihi byebye...see you next time then! love!!!♥♥♥ |